What is Search Relevancy in Times of New Age Enterprise Search

When we talk about enterprise search, what really defines its effectiveness is how much it helps meet the requirements of the users. Does the user get what he/she is looking for? Is the enterprise search platform capable enough of showing up the most relevant results? Well, if we really want to figure that out, we need to measure the performance or effectiveness of the enterprise search engine based on a parameter. Search relevancy is, by far, the most accurate parameter to define how effective the search engine is. While other factors, such as speed are also important, fast results that are far from relevant to the user’s query, are of little importance and do not serve the purpose.

So, search relevance service is what enterprises need today in order to crack the puzzle of successful enterprise search. So, what is search relevance service and what makes it a significant element in a successful enterprise search platform today? Here we shall have a look.

Search Relevancy & Its Significance

Search relevancy is a metric for how closely a search query and its results are connected. Relevance can be influenced by a variety of factors, including search phrases, popularity, location, previous search or purchase history, and browsing habits.

The precision of the relationship between the search query and the search results is measured by search relevancy. Because it is heavily dependent on context and a variety of changeable elements, determining relevance can be difficult. Furthermore, various people will communicate their needs in different ways, and even for the same inquiry, different users may expect different outcomes. The technologies that enable search relevance services are listed below.

  • The act of examining unstructured text to infer structure and meaning is known as natural language processing (NLP).
  • The technique of attempting to comprehend the intent of questions is known as semantic query understanding.
  • Personalization allows you to add more information to a query based on the person who is searching, such as past search history, purchase history, location, and so on.
  • To aid search engines in understanding a query, word embeddings, vectorization, query segmentation, scoping, and other approaches are offered.

Optimizing search relevancy is a crucial aspect of user experience design that is frequently overlooked. According to research, 43% of website visitors go straight to the search bar, and these visitors are 2-3 times more likely to convert. Users will be more satisfied, engaged, and likely to convert if they are provided results that are relevant to their inquiry and interests.

Search Relevance Services for Unstructured Data

Search relevance services are streamlined when it comes to structured and optimised information. When we have unstructured and unoptimized data, as is the case with enterprise data, search relevancy service becomes even more important for a good search experience.

This is where semantic search tools such as 3RDi Search come in, allowing you to tailor your search depending on the information you have about your material. The 3RDi Search's search engine is unconcerned with what it looks for. Its algorithms can look up movies, ecommerce merchandise, blogs, hospital and customer information, Salesforce datasets, newspaper stories, and a variety of other things. You must organise your information in such a way that it best reflects the subject.

The following are the technologies used by the 3RDi Search platform to ensure optimum search relevancy service for every user using the enterprise search platform.

  • Natural language processing (NLP): Natural language processing (NLP) aids the search relevance service platform in better comprehending and processing queries.
  • Semantic Search: The idea that permits semantic search tools to deliver much more relevant search results is that a semantic search tool recognizes the user's intent behind the query.
  • Analysis of Search History: This refers to closely tracking each user's previous search behaviour in order to understand the contexts they seek, and then giving the most context - specific search results to each user in order to suit their needs. It's all about coming up with a unique question that the user will find the most useful.
  • Consideration for Spell Errors and Typos: Typos are another challenge to deal with. To avoid poor search results and increase relevancy, spell checking is required. Most search engines still have this problem, and it's a major roadblock to reaching ideal search relevancy.

Wondering how you can find the most relevant enterprise information in the shortest time? You need a powerful search relevance service platform like 3RDi Search with the next level of search relevancy. Visit www.3rdisearch.com/ or drop us an email at info@3rdisearch.com and our team will get in touch with you to help you get started on your journey of adding more value and meaning to the experience of the user with every interaction with the search engine.